Saturday, December 26, 2009

Can to much oil cause your car engine to go out?

Too much oil in the crankcase causes the counterweights on the crankshaft to whip the oil into an air filled milkshake foam.

Any time the foamy oil is pumped to the bearings (mains, rods camshaft and lifters) the lubrication is very poor at best.

More than a quart over the fill line can spell disaster in any car or truck motor.Can to much oil cause your car engine to go out?
too much oil can make you car quit running. Too much oil makes the crankshaft splash too much oil on the cylinder walls bringing it up to where the spark plug gets fouled out therfore cannot make a spark to keep the engine running or let it start. A telltale sign of too much oil would be a mass of blue smoke when you car was running. To solve the problem you will have to take out the extra oil by draining some out and then you will have to take the spark plugs out and clean them so they will fire again properly. GLCan to much oil cause your car engine to go out?
Can it ever!! Depends on how much more than needed you have in your engine as to the ammount of damage that is done. Too much oil can cause your cadalitic converter to plug up as well as foul your spark plugs. You can destroy your pistons if you have really over filled it. There are recomendations and then there are limits listed in the owners manual. Read it

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