Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Alright Why do you think my mom sit in her car while my dad checked the oil and water in her car bf she left?

What is with you?You post questions all the time about your dad checking your mom's oil.If it bugs you so much why don't you do it so he doesn't have too?I've never seen a kid so fixated about something sheesh.Maybe your dad just does it to bug you hoping you'll move out!Alright Why do you think my mom sit in her car while my dad checked the oil and water in her car bf she left?
When are you going to learn to do that yourself. You seem to have something against your father for being nice to his wife. When are you going to do something nice for her or him? Are you going to ask this again next week?Alright Why do you think my mom sit in her car while my dad checked the oil and water in her car bf she left?
help me answer this ? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?鈥?/a>
It's called preventive maintenance. Why don't you learn to do it!
if you dont like it , take over for your father, i am sure that he has enough to do.

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