Saturday, December 26, 2009

Can the electric car catch osama binladen by stopping oil from saudia arabia.?

The race to catch the past criminals with future development in the electric car as saudia arabia is no fan of the electric car .The electric cars means the end of terrorism for many in this world through stoping oil.Can the electric car catch osama binladen by stopping oil from saudia arabia.?
Terrorism has got nothing to do with oil. Sure some terrorists have used oil. They've used regular money too. Destroying money won't destroy terrorism.

The resurging Taliban now rely on drug money from poppy growers. Destroying the poppies won't destroy the Taliban, though. In fact, the Taliban destroyed the poppies in the first place, then when they were deposed by the US the poppies came back, now the Taliban use them as a convenient source of money.

In the bigger picture, terrorism is a natural political response of people or groups who have no other recourse. It has existed throughout the history of civilization, and all across the globe too, and in many forms. Whether someone is a terrorist or a resistance hero often depends on point of view.

As long as there are governments, there will be opponents of governments, including armed opponents; and among those there will always be those who are willing to use violence against a civil population for political ends (the strict journalistic usage of ';terrorist';)

As for Osama bin Laden, he doesn't depend on oil money anyway.

As for the electric car, being electric doesn't mean they don't need energy to run. If petroleum-powered cars are quickly replaced by electric cars, where is all the extra electricity going to come from? Nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, solar, would have to develop amazingly quickly to be enough. The only readily available source would be petroleum, via gasoline power plants. Cars would still be running on petroleum, only much less efficiently because of the intermediate step of electricity. Except maybe the sea levels would stop rising by 2050 instead of continuing until 2150.Can the electric car catch osama binladen by stopping oil from saudia arabia.?
Oil is not the source of terrorism. So, since your basic premise is faulty, your entire argument is no good. Garbage in = garbage out

The Islamic terrorists hate the west dating back to the crusades. But the current uproar started in the 50's. A few men from Egypt visited the United States and wrote about the decadence. People drank alcohol, women didn't cover themselves and were allowed to speak. The list is endless. These men started the Muslim brotherhood. There is also the fact that we stopped Hitler from killing all the Jews. Something 90% of all Arabs, and now, many Persians too, desperately want.

They will hate us electric car or not.

As for catching Bin laden, he is a wanted man in Saudi Arabia too.
The fanatical islamists hate the ';west';. It has NOTHING to do with oil. I also want to add, that oil is used in the production of ';almost'; every product we use in this world. If you think just by producing hybrid/electric cars there would be zero oil usage, you are sadly mistaken.

without the oil business, the royal family of saoudi arabia would have less means to put pressure on the us government not to catch one of their sons.

They would still have their extremely massiv investments in the us though.
You are horribly wrong. The electric car will not stop stop terrorism.

Saudia Arabia also attempted to terminate bin Laden more than once. So while he is a native of the country, the government has not love for him.

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