Saturday, December 26, 2009

Oil companies profited, car makers stop selling as many suv's, are the oil co. at fault for the crisis?

The oil companies aren't at fault for this.

Car companies made a lot more profit off of selling an SUV than they did selling a car. It was easy money. They got too greedy. And now they don't want to take responsibility for their actions. If the government's going to help them out, the CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Chairmen, and Board Members should have to surrender their stock and be replaced. Oil companies profited, car makers stop selling as many suv's, are the oil co. at fault for the crisis?
NO. The automakers knew that a time would come when SUVs would be obsolete. There was a time in the 70s when gas was rationed and people stopped buying larger cars. The automakers were slow to adjust which caused the rise in popularity for the Toyota and Datsun (Nissan) brands. The automakers quickly went back to building big cars (and even bigger SUVs) as soon as the oil embargo ended.

The same thing is happening today. The automakers are too focused on building big, luxury cars with poor gas mileage instead of building hybrids or fuel efficient cars. Over the past several years, they have been more focused on putting On-Star or heated seats into cars when they should have been building cars that get 50 mpg. They would have been more successful in overseas markets if they had.Oil companies profited, car makers stop selling as many suv's, are the oil co. at fault for the crisis?
No. This economic crisis started with the mortgage crisis. The ones that really profited would be Sauda Arabia, Iraq and other oil producing countries.
This question is a joke, right?

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